Tokyo Game Show (東京ゲームショウ, Tōkyō Gēmu Shō), commonly known as TGS, is a computer game exposition/ convention held annually in September in the Makuhari Messe, in Chiba, Japan. It exists by the Computer Amusement Provider s Organization (CESA) and also Nikkei Organization Publications, Inc. The major focus of the show gets on Japanese video games, yet some global video game developers utilize it to showcase upcoming releases/related hardware. The period of the event is 4 days. The first two days of Tokyo Game Show are open only to industry participants (organization) and also the public can go to during the final two days.
The Tokyo Game Show is coming to the door and even if it will take place almost exclusively digitally, due to the still ongoing Corona pandemic, we can look forward to an exciting spectacle and one or the other announcement to coming video games.
Among other things, Sega is included. The developer and publisher not only wants to provide new information about upcoming titles of Atlus, but also announce a new RPG. However, it should not act around the premature next Sonic game, but unless you have to take the blue hedgehog in the form of a role-playing game back to the public.
A new Sega RPG comes
The stream of the Tokyo Game Show is only running from the 30th of September, but the news about the new Sega roleplay was confirmed in advance. On the official website, it is: Sega New, the Sega News-Variety show will be part of the program of the Tokyo Game Show and is filled with the latest info about the latest Sega and Atlus titles, directly from the Makuhari Fair , Also a new SEGA RPG will be announced!
Although in the words Sega and RPG would probably think about Atlus and Shin Megami Tensei or their popular spinning-off series persona, the news actually reads as if Atlus has nothing to do with the new role play. Whether it s really like that, or if fans are allowed to look forward to the announcement of a new persona part, we will find out on the 1st of October between 22 and 23:50. Then Sega is in the limelight of the Tokyo Game Show.
The company, which is home to the fastest hedgehog in the world, is not the only star at the Tokyo Game Show. Other big names like Microsoft, Capcom or Square Enix also decorate the program of Japanese spectacle. The whole thing is to be admired online from 30 September to and including as of 03 October. More information about the individual guests can be found on the official website.
Source: Wccfech / Tokyo Game Show
From Jonas Höger author 19.09.2021 at 13:39
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